Thursday 3 March 2011

Inviting volunteers

'products like this bag made out of banana-fibre has helped raise 15 lakhs of Rupees in last three years'

“I don't feel like a dead log now; rather I feel like one among you.”Kumarettan, who benefitted out of the socio-economic rehabilitation at the Institute of Palliative Medicine in Kozhikode said recently.

Footprints is a social rehabilitation project by IPM for the physically and mentally incapacitated people. Patients bedridden with spinal injuries are the main beneficiaries of the project. People with advanced kidney diseases and chronic psychiatric illness are also enrolled in the program. Patients are trained to make various items like umbrellas. environmental friendly pens, paper bags etc through interactive training camps organized at IPM. Raw materials are supplied to the patient after the training, the products that they make are collected, sold and the profit returned to them. The project depends heavily on the involvement of the students from various campuses in Calicut city who are linked to the patients. Students support the patients through camps and sell their products through sales organized in various campuses.

Workshops like the one to be organised at the IPM between 2-8th of March 2011, has provided opportunities and capacities for patients to be able to raise funds to the tune of 1.5 million Indian Rupees in less than three years period. These workshops are also a platform for patients from different locations to come together and get to know of each other and to interact with volunteers. It is here that they learn more skills. These days they are designing and producing hand-crafted bags from banana fibre.

Our local partners like Vayali Folklore group will also spend time at the centre to provide entertainment to the volunteers and patients who will be camping in Kozhikode. If there is anyone interested to come and volunteer with us during these days or any other following workshops, please let us know.

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